California, Here I Come!

Today (7/17), I crossed what has got to be the HOTTEST 🔥 part of the United States, the Mojave Desert! I was a little scared and anxious about crossing the desert... I lot more than I let on. I had heard horror stories about taking extra water and gas and being prepared. All I was worried about was the bike breaking down or me getting heat stroke or something. I was very careful, and even stopped at the oasis that offered fuel for $5+ a gallon and water for $4 a liter! Capitalist economics of supply and demand at its best! Thankfully, I didn't need fuel, but did take them up on the ice cold $4 liter of water. The cooling vest I purchased in Henderson, NV worked wonders! I actually felt like I was wearing an air conditioner.
The ride was hot, but good. The bike did great. I did great... I drank more water than I wanted, but remained hydrated. Preparation paid off. Points of civilization included the Oasis (the only service for 50 miles on either side), Neddles, Ludlow, Barstow, and of course, Victorville, California. It is good to be in California. However, coming to the realization that tomorrow means the end of Route 66 for me has mixed emotions. Today's route was easy to follow, as I-40 mostly lies over the same road as the original Route 66. There are some "side treks" that you take into the small towns (like Ludlow, and Barstow) but it's mostly I-40.
Today's thoughts mainly focused on "getting through it." Sometimes when something is happening in our life, and it's necessary for us to "get through it" to get to the place where we need to be, we have to endure some dislike and possibly discomfort. I have learned through the years that things like this are necessary. Sometimes we need to prepare and "get through" the tough times in order to get to the good times. Preparation is key...

I've often commented on what we do to "prepare" for life - and for what life in this world dishes out. The sacrament of Holy Communion is often referred to as "food for the journey" or Viatacum. It is that sustenance that stays with us and becomes part of us. It is that vehicle of God's infinite grace that reminds us, in our lowest of times and the most challenging of moments, that God is there with us and for us. Being prepared by engaging the word and receiving the sacrament is how we prepare for the desert of our life. (Wearing a cooling vest, having a full tank of gas, and staying hydrated is how I prepared for the physical desert). Participating in Church is like training and doing calisthenics. Some people don't like it, some people do, but it's necessary for your spiritual health and pays off when you hit life's desert!! (or one of life's icebergs - sorry, I had to slip a cool thought in there! ❄️)

Challenge for Self: Be prepared. I know it sounds like the Boy Scout oath, but it works in all aspects of life.

Challenge for Trinity: How can we be more prepared? Are we engaged enough in the things we should be doing? Are we participating where we should? Are we involved? (Because we know that we are not going to get anything out of it unless we put something into it!)


This Week!

Monday with the Mohegans

Getting Ready for the AT

Amarillo by Morning 🎶

I am Getting the Hang of This...

Missouri on Route 66

Getting Psyched! - Day 0