Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs!
For some reason, I can't think about Seattle without the crazy theme song from Frazier running through my brain. Well, I guess now that it's running through your brain if you've ever seen the show, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Guess where I am!! That is correct, today I rode from Camas, WA to Seattle, WA to meet up with and stay with some more friends. It almost seems that I have more friends in the Pacific North West than I do in the East.
I first met up with Cathy Banks on the South side of Seattle. We met for coffee and to catch up. Cathy and I actually went to Chesapeake Demonstration School together. CDS was an experimental elementary school in Chesapeake Virginia in the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Cathy and I lost touch after I went to Frederick and she moved to Florida. She and I were in school together from 1st to 8th grade. It was great to catch up with Cathy after 36 years.
I then went to meet up with Jenna Ingersol. Jenna is like a second daughter to me. I "adopted" her when I was in seminary at Sewanee. She is college class of 07 and I am seminary class of 07. Jenna and I sang together for the Sunday evening "Growing in Grace" service at All Saints chapel and we also sang together on the Taze' music team. I look forward to seeing Jenna again in October when she comes to sing at Kaytlynn's wedding. It was great to see her and meet her boyfriend Stephen. I got to be reacquainted with Millie, who was just a tiny puppy when we were in Sewanee 10 years ago.
So far Washington has been very rewarding and renewing. Other than the traffic in Portland and Seattle, things have been great. People ask me, what has been the best part of the trip? I tell them, it's the people! Yes, I am seeing great scenery and beautiful vistas, but the people are the key to this whole trip. I am seeing folks that I haven't seen for decades. Some were very good close friends, others were casual friends in school, some family... the connections have made it the best trip ever.
That gets me thinking... We say a church is the people. It's not the building, it's not a location, it's not a person... it's a gathering of people who make up the body of Christ. It's the gathering that is the church. So, in effect, you don't "go to church," you are CHURCH. As humans, we are social creatures, meant to be together in community. In the community's effort to come together and worship and learn, that's how we get church - gathered for the purpose of restoring all people to unity with God and each other in Christ. (BCP 855). We don't do it solo. We do it with others. Our task of being Christian is a social one. It's meant to be lived out with others. So, I'm am much less about me and Jesus (focusing on the "personal relationship") and more about the US and Jesus, focusing on the "communial relationship." So, for me, being with people is important. Important for my social health and important for my spiritual health. As for mental health, "I don't know what to do with those tossed salad and scrambled eggs!" 🎶 You don't have to conduct yourself as a religious nut job and mention Jesus every 5 seconds in a conversation to be Church and make a difference in this world.
Challenge for Self: Be the Church, everywhere you go, everyone you meet...
Challenge for Trinity: Be the Church, everywhere you go, everyone you meet...
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