A Couple Days in Camas

The thing about friendships, if they are true, then they will last forever. Marni Larson (now Osterhage) and I went to Frederick Military Academy together and were part of the last graduating class in 1985. She was Valedictorian of our class and only one of 3 female students that year. We haven't talked since graduation, but caught up on Facebook a few years ago. He late father, Maj. Stuart Larson, was my Tactical Officer, a great man, a great soldier, and one of my earliest mentors. I always felt like Marni was a sister. Anyhow, she heard that I was traveling west and invited me to stay with her for a couple days. It was a very nice time, hanging out with her in the evening and meeting her lovely family. When she and I connected, it was like the conversation 32 years ago just continued...
Marni is a Children's Pastor for Grace Foursquare Church and was in the middle of running their Vacation Bible School program. With the multitude of volunteers and children running around (and me on sabbatical), I decided not to hang out at church. On Wednesday, I rode the Columbia River gorge on Rt. 14 down to the famous Bridge of the Gods (Part of the Pacific Crest Trail) and back on the Oregon side, stopping at the fish hatchery. It was very cool to see all the trout and white sturgeon (that is one ugly prehistoric fish!)
My thoughts today go back to connections and relationships. Hopefully, you know by now that I know God to be a God of relationship in relationship. I feel that other people are in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. We are meant to be in relationship. What we learn from those relationships is formational to who we are as people, but not only people... who we are as believers in Jesus, the incarnation of God. There is a great quote from the famous theologian William P. DuBose, "God in Christ is only half of the incarnation. Christ in us is the full other half." 

Jesus taught us "He who has seen Me has seen the Father." (John 14:9 NET) Therefore, Jesus reveals who God is to humanity through his actions in relationships that he had when he walked the earth, but Jesus also reveals everyone for who they really are in God's sight. If we are letting Christ work through us and our relationships, then they all can be doorways to the kingdom. I am convinced more and more that the connections I am making on this sabbatical are for a spiritual purpose. It has no yet been completely revealed to me, but I feel that it is rich and profound.

Challenge for Self: Continue to make connections and discern what they might be teaching me about myself or about how I tend relationships.

Challenge for Trinity: Nurture each other in the communial relationship we have as a community. How we are together tells others who we know God to be. It's a window to the kingdom. If we are not in genuine relationship as we should be, then others will not want anything to do with our community.


This Week!

Monday with the Mohegans

Getting Ready for the AT

Amarillo by Morning 🎶

I am Getting the Hang of This...

California, Here I Come!

Missouri on Route 66

Getting Psyched! - Day 0