Weekend in Michigan

Saturday morning, I left Toledo, OH for Grand Rapids, MI. I got about half way here and was checking in with Kelly. She reminded me that her brother, Ted, and his wife, Lisa, live in Grand Rapids. I had actually forgotten that, but planned to go to Grand Rapids and stay the weekend and catch the ferry over to Milwaukee on Monday. So, I touched base with Ted and he had me cancel my motel reservation and come to his house to stay. It was just him and Lisa because my nephews were on vacation with their mom. Saturday evening was beautiful, so he and Lisa got his bike out and we rode some of the back roads around Grand Rapids and went to dinner in Rockford, MI. It was great to have the opportunity to catch up with Ted & Lisa. I appreciate their hospitality!

When I got to Michigan, I was sure to contact the Rt. Rev. Whayne Hogland, Bishop of Western Michigan, and former rector of St. Luke's in Salisbury, NC, who was my mentor when I was first ordained priest. It would have been good to catch up with Whayne, but he is in Europe. 

Sunday, I attended worship at St. Andrew's, Grand Rapids. Lovely place. They seemed to be in "vacation mode" for the weekend and had a supply priest. The rector, The Rev. Michael C. Fedewawas on a mini sabbatical for 6 weeks as the parish plans for transition. The service I attended was a Rite II Eucharist (prayer C) with a mixture of hymns from 1982 and supplements. I found it pretty cool that they publish a link to their bulletin online. You can download the bulletin here. You can download the bulletin here. 

I was approached following the service by the Rev. Deacon Cindy Nawrocki and given a "Welcome Bag" with fresh bread and welcome materials. I found it to be a wonderful gesture. Piggybacking off of my reflection from a couple days ago, welcome is a BIG DEAL! Even though, as a newcomer, I felt a bit lost at St. Andrew's at first, I was welcomed at the end. Deacon Cindy had never seen me at St. Andrew's before and made a point to speak to me. This made me feel great. Of course, when I visit different places, I don't have the word "PRIEST" tattooed on my forehead. I'm a little scruffy (haven't shaved in 16 days, helmet hair, etc...) so I am a little worse for wear. However, I was welcomed and encouraged to return. The thing that stood out to me is the way they did the offering, with everyone coming forward to bring their gifts to the altar (financial, food, bread, wine, etc.) I had never seen that done before, and I like it! 
Challenge to Self: As a priest, think about how a newcomer feels in a church environment... what if I knew nothing about church, or what to do, or where to go? I'm sure my experience at St. Andrew's would be much different.

Challenge to Trinity: Think about why you are at Trinity, how you were "received" and why you stayed. Think about the life long relationships you have kindled and how Trinity has become family after a short time. I heard a term recently... "Framily" - it's when friends become so close they are family. If we, at Trinity, are "ONE family under God," how are we displaying that to the world?


This Week!

Monday with the Mohegans

Getting Ready for the AT

Amarillo by Morning 🎶

I am Getting the Hang of This...

California, Here I Come!

Missouri on Route 66

Getting Psyched! - Day 0