Northern Cascade Loop

After speaking to two Gentlemen at St. Andrew's, today (7/31) I decided to take the route through the Northern Cascade Loop. This would require riding to Port Townsend and taking the ferry to Whidbey Island on Route 20 and staying on 20 over Deception Pass through the Northern Cascade mountain range. That is exactly what I did!! What a beautiful ride. Plenty of turns and twists, elevation climbs. Lots of other bikes! I stopped at the Northern Cascade National Park Visitor's Center, then I rode all the way to the little town of Winthrop, WA where I set up camp at the KOA. I met a nice young couple and their two children at the campground.
My thoughts today are on perception. I love the fact that people don't expect me to say that I am a priest. I don't know if you have noticed, but my beard is in, I'm mostly in rider neon, or a Harley t-shirt and jeans. It was very cool talking to this young couple, and then (inevitably) the topic comes around "what do you do?" When I tell them that I am an Episcopal Priest, they say, "wow, I didn't expect that." I always follow up with, "what did you expect." We went on to laugh and share a bit about how people are seen in their normal roles and how the caricature in our heads about how a certain person in a certain role should look doesn't always match up with fact. What's worse, is once they find out you're a priest, the conversation changes (or immediately cleans up). This didn't happen with this couple. The conversation remained on par. But, this has happened to me about 20-30 times this trip! 9/10 times, people can reconcile the fact that they have seen a priest in "normal" clothes!

The way I dress and what I drive (or ride in this case), doesn't make me less of a priest. It does, however, bring a sense of "normalcy" to the vocation. That priests are "real people" too! Needless to say, I love throwing people off-guard. It has been enjoyable traveling incognito, and then sharing my journey via casual conversation. Most are interested in this blog, so I have taken great care to protect the innocent! 

Jesus was a great teacher and went from town to town teaching and preaching. I don't think he was dressed any differently than other folks in the town. This is something to think about. Now, for my SCP brothers and sisters who may be reading this, I'm not saying that we should do away with clerical clothing, but I do think we need to think a lot about how people perceive us when we wear that clothing.

Challenge to Self: Stay Real, stay grounded! Remember that the outfit doesn't make you a priest! AND Not wearing the outfit (wearing regular clothes) shouldn't change who you are as a priest.

Challenge to Trinity: Ask yourself these questions: How do you perceive clergy? Is it by the way they dress? Is it by the way they carry themselves? Do you expect them to be "normal?" Do you act different once you find out they are clergy? 


This Week!

Monday with the Mohegans

Getting Ready for the AT

Amarillo by Morning 🎶

I am Getting the Hang of This...

California, Here I Come!

Missouri on Route 66

Getting Psyched! - Day 0