Seaside Monday!

Today (7/24) I rode from Coos Bay, OR to Seaside, OR. Talk about a cold ride! This one was really cool with the cross winds and overcast. I don't think I saw the sun but twice. I tend to take more pictures when the sun is out, so the bulk of the pictures from today include sunshine. The ride up Hwy 101 and the coast of Oregon was great, even though it was cold and overcast. At one time, I felt wet from all the sea spray.
So, not every day has been the bliss of sunshine! Hmmm... it reminds me of life. While the good days definitely outnumber the bad, I've had my share of clouds. I think that the clouds are what help us appreciate the sunshine. It's the gloomy pieces that make the bright pieces so much more enjoyable. Church life is not any different. Church is a messy place sometimes. It isn't all sunshine and daffodils. Sometimes there can be real challenge and real hardship for the community, but if the community is living for Christ, then it is possible to get through it. The fog eventually lifts.
Jesus teaches us that following him can be difficult, in fact, he warns us in scripture several times. He says, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33 NIV) Only in Jesus do we have a way out of the troubles of the world. That doesn't mean that we are free from having a little fog every now and then... But, in the "fog and storm," Jesus is our lighthouse helping us navigate the troubled waters and helping us find safe harbor.

Challenge for Self: Evaluate Christ's presence in my troubles, and make sure he remains the beacon that I focus on.

Challenge for Trinity: When things are "gloomy" and "foggy" and it seems that we can't find a way forward or a way out, are we focusing on Christ?


This Week!

Monday with the Mohegans

Getting Ready for the AT

Amarillo by Morning 🎶

I am Getting the Hang of This...

California, Here I Come!

Missouri on Route 66

Getting Psyched! - Day 0