Weekend in Coos Bay, OR

It has been a fantastic weekend in Coos Bay, OR. I came into Coos Bay yesterday afternoon. The temperatures were a little cool but moderate. Traveling up Hwy 101 was a bit chilly. In some places the cross-winds were vicious! I always try to plant myself for 2 nights over the weekend. 
Today I enjoyed worship at the local Episcopal Church, Emmanuel. It was a wonderfully welcoming small parish in the heart of Coos Bay, and I was received warmly by the parishioners there. The worship at Emmanuel was inviting. They are "trying on" some different music to enhance their worship and had a survey form in the bulletin. This new music was played during the prelude and postlude. However, during the service, the hymns were out of Hymnal 1982. The Eucharist was Rite II prayer B from the Book of Common Prayer 1979. The rector, the Rev. Christie Erskine, is a wonderful story teller and rhetoric preacher. Her message was clear, and I won't be mixing up weeds and wheat anytime soon! 😉
Being a bit of a resort town, they are used to strangers in their midst. After worship I attended "coffee hour" at the invitation of a few folks who greeted me. I sat at coffee hour and talked to people who were more than willing to share recommendations for lunch and dinner at local restaurants. When I left the church I drove around the corner to 7 Devils pub and had a wonderful lunch, and for dinner I had a great Italian dish at Benetti's. The Italian restaurant is owned by an Emmanuel parishioner.

My thoughts linger around what Christie said about weeds and wheat. When they "grow up" together, we often don't know where one starts and the other begins. So are we as meshed in the world we are living in. We are wheat and the things of this world are the weeds. Our purpose is to be wheat, but be wheat that doesn't get tangled in the things of this world so that we are mistaken for weeds.

Challenge for Self: Ask myself the question about things I am doing: Am I being wheat? Or, am I being a weed? 

Challenge for Trinity: Is the Trinity community being wheat? Or, are they getting tangled in the mess of this world and being a weed? If we are to live as ambassadors of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and be wheat in this world, then how do we go about tending the garden and get the weeds out (the stuff that doesn't produce good wheat)?


This Week!

Monday with the Mohegans

Getting Ready for the AT

Amarillo by Morning 🎶

I am Getting the Hang of This...

California, Here I Come!

Missouri on Route 66

Getting Psyched! - Day 0