Rocky Mountain High (Weekend in Denver)

The ride on Saturday (8/5) from Rock Springs, WY to Denver, CO was challenging! Not only was it on and off rain, but I ran into hail when I got to Denver. Yes, I said HAIL! Crazy little balls of ice that are challenging in a car let alone a motorcycle! Anyhow, all is well... I am safe and the bike is unscathed. Upon arrival to Denver, I was greeted with grilled Salmon and cocktails! Much welcomed after the stress of hail! It was absolutely wonderful to be invited to spend the weekend with my seminary buddy, the Rev. Jim Gilchrist and his wife Fabian. They were so kind to offer me a place to stay a couple nights. It was great to catch up with Jim, who has just recently retired. I tried to connect with my cousin, Brian while I was in the area, but we were unable to work it out.
On Sunday (8/6), we attended the early service at St. Luke's Denver. That is the parish were Fabian was the Parish Administrator. Jim also went to seminary from there, so it is their home parish. Our morning started early with a group of us reading morning prayer at 7am. This (Morning Prayer) has been a practice at St. Luke's for the same small group for several years. After Morning Prayer, we attended the 7:45 service. It was a Rite II (Prayer A) Eucharist with no music, as expected at the early service. I was a bit confused becasue it was the feast of the Transfiguration, which normally takes precedence over the regular Sunday readings because it is a major feast (BCP 16). Both Jim and I were "twitching" a bit. Of course, we were both trained in Episcopal Liturgy by the Rev. Jim Turrell, and caught this error right away! Regardless, the service was nice and God was worshiped. After church it was bike cleaning time! Jim helped as he teased Fabian about how good a Harley looked in his garage!
Today 8/7, the weather was rainy so Jim and Fabian let me stay another day. We went to the movies (a great rainy day thing to do!) and saw Dunkirk. It was very good! I look forward getting back out tomorrow.

My thoughts after an incredible weekend are of the weather. So far in my journey, the weather has been a non-issue. Other than the "wet" evenings in the beginning and the heat in the desert. This is the first scary weather that I have encountered. Nature can be a scary thing... especially if it sneaks up on you or does something unexpected. The hail was totally unexpected. 

Even the hail has a purpose (as does fire, snow, and clouds (or fog). As Psalm 148:8 says, "Fire and hail, snow and clouds; Stormy wind, fulfilling His word;" The psalmist used the elemental forces of nature to show that even the creation is fulfilling the purpose of the creator. So, I don't blame the hail. It was just doing it's thing... Inconvenient and uncomfortable for me, but it's something that I can't control.

Challenge to Self: Think about the things I find "inconvenient" and learn their greater purpose.

Challenge to Trinity: What do you consider an unexpected nuisance? Is it something within your control? What is its greater purpose? Appreciate the inconvenience for what it may reveal to you about God.


This Week!

Monday with the Mohegans

Getting Ready for the AT

Amarillo by Morning 🎶

I am Getting the Hang of This...

California, Here I Come!

Missouri on Route 66

Getting Psyched! - Day 0