Mount Magazine State Park - Arkansas

Today (8/10) I rode to Mount Magazine State Park in the Ozark Mountians of Arkansas. What a wonderful place. I am camping in the campground, but there are cabins and a lodge there also. The lodge has a restaurant where I ate dinner. The view was spectacular! It was a great day. I highly recommend Mt. Magazine State Park!! The ride here was great with changing scenery from prairie flats to hills and mountians. The ride up to Mt. Magazine was a nice twisty road that takes you to the highest peak in Arkansas (2753ft.). I know, not very high, but high enough.
It was a simple day with not much on my mind. The thing that I thought of at dinner was perspective. It seems that the higher I get in elevation, the more perspective that I gain of the area around me. In church development, perspective is much of the game. How do we get a different perspective? It often takes someone that is from the outside to honestly give a different perspective on things. In management, we call it "getting on the balcony" so we can gain a broader view. Sometimes the broader view (or the big picture) isn't as bleak as those in close proximity would like everyone to think. Sometimes with a broader view we can see solutions that are just over the horizon. 

Moses was a great leader of the Hebrew people and brought them all the way to the promised land. You remember, they wandered around in the desert for 40 years! (I didn't want to spend 40 minutes there!) Anyhow, Moses brought the people there, God showed Moses the promised land, but died there in Moab. (Deuteronomy 34:1-8). As their leader, Moses got to see the big picture of what was to come, but also as leaders, he didn't get to reap the rewards of his leadership by seeing his project/mission to fruition.

Challenge to Self: Maintain that balcony perspective and be more clear about articulating that vision to others.

Challenge to Trinity: Try to look beyond yourself and your family. It's difficult. Try to see the big picture for everyone involved. When you get bunched up about that one little thing that you can't let go of, remember Moses and his wonderful vision on the top of Mt. Nebo. He got to see the completion of God's promises to his people. Are you getting on the balcony and backing up far enough to see how the situation affects everyone?


This Week!

Getting Ready for the AT

Missouri on Route 66

Amarillo by Morning 🎶

I am Getting the Hang of This...

California, Here I Come!

A Day In Dahlonega, GA - Day 3

Getting Psyched! - Day 0