First Night Out

I left this morning about 8am. My first stop was Starbucks for some coffee and a nut bar. However, that's not the point of my reflection today. My reflection is packing and re-packing... I will probably pack two or three different times until I get it right. I'm not one to leave my creature comforts at home, so I took as much as I thought I needed. I am sure that I will end up sending some back home.


I found this scripture fitting. “Then Jesus said to them, “When I sent you out with no money bag, or traveler’s bag, or sandals, you didn’t lack anything, did you?” They replied, “Nothing.” He said to them, “But now, the one who has a money bag must take it, and likewise a traveler’s bag too. And the one who has no sword must sell his cloak and buy one. For I tell you that this scripture must be fulfilled in me, ‘ And he was counted with the transgressors.’ For what is written about me is being fulfilled.” So they said, “Look, Lord, here are two swords.” Then he told them, “It is enough.” ~ ‭‭Luke‬ ‭22:35-38‬ ‭NET‬‬‬‬

How much is enough? We have so much in this world. Why do we live out of a feeling of scarcity? Why did I think I needed to bring the kitchen sink? (I didn't, really... it's just an expression) I have always been a pack-rat. I think I get that from my father. However, by the grace of God and being married to Kelly Saunders for almost 27 years, I have learned to let go of things. I still pack too much. Even my first night out has proven that. I hope maybe to "unload" some things along the way.

Today's journey was incredible, the bike is doing great. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy!

Challenge to self: To learn to let go of the things that I have no control over. To lead by guiding and steering and trust God's guidance by the Holy Spirit. If it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen... I can't force it.

Challenge to Trinity: Let go of the ministries or structures that are not life giving and find out what is. Trust that God has given us a specific mission and God will provide what we need. It doesn't do us any good to worry about things that are no longer viable.


This Week!

Monday with the Mohegans

Getting Ready for the AT

Amarillo by Morning 🎶

I am Getting the Hang of This...

California, Here I Come!

Missouri on Route 66

Getting Psyched! - Day 0