First Maine Stop (see what I did there?)

Today was just short of fantastic! The pilgrimage led me to Lewiston, Maine. It started out overcast and I thought it was going to rain for a better part of the ride, but cleared up nicely! This is my main (Maine) stop before I begin my big trek across the US. Before heading west, I wanted to evaluate some things... Baggage (clothing/gear), health, stamina, etc... Constant assessment and tweaking as I go will be the key to my comfort. I am unplugged, yet I am not... Unplugged from responsibilities, routine tasks, etc. but not unplugged from electricity. Cell service has been fair, but as I head west I thing that it's going to get worse. That means "old school" maps and such. I have taken to writing the turns down on paper and putting them in the map pouch so that I can have an idea of where I'm going, but part of the process is letting the spirit guide you.

I had service most of today, but I started of thinking about how cell service is about feeling "in touch" and how not having it (for a tech person like me) can get frustrating. I have taken measures NOT to have routine calendar reminders and other items to not ding every 5 minutes. But not having those little bars can be trying... How it means that I won't know where I'm going (I use my cell for GPS, but yes Rand McNally and I are friends!), or I won't be able to call Kelly and let her know all is well... How I won't be able to let you folks have the opportunity to read my blog :P

[The nice thing about being on pilgrimage and not "on call" or "working" at my priestly duties is that I don't have to be constantly looking and listening to my phoneUIKeyInputRightArrow. Shout out to Cindy Adler ;). I say that because we took a "pilgrimage" to Maine with our amazing youth group in 2015. We were supposed to be "unplugged," but I wasn't. I still had responsibilities at home. Cindy, being the youth guide, also helped the adults stay in line with the practices of not letting us use our phones. I will just say that it was challenging!]


The scripture that screams to me today is my father's "life verse." It's one that he taught me years ago and I haven't forgotten it. In a way, it has become my life verse (but, I carry Romans 8:38-39 in my wallet). The verse is Proverbs 3:5-6, it says: "“Trust in [God] with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge [God], and [God] will make straight your paths.” Proverbs‬ ‭3:5-6‬ ‭ESV‬‬ (the first [God] was translated as LORD which is a translation of the proper name of God that I'm not going to write here. The second is the masculine pronoun used to descibe God. So I just changed them all to God.) I like the ESV for general reading purposes, but I also like to look things up in another translation. Eugene Peterson's The Message says this, “Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for GOD ’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; [God's] the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all.” ~ ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:5-6 MSG‬ (again with the pronoun. Peterson took care of the other two.)

If God could be our GPS... If God could be our "wireless connection"... If God could be our guide and compass, we would never need maps. We would never need cell service. We would never rely on turn by turn directions. Our life's path would definitly find direction if we let God take charge! Don't misunderstand me. I'm not leaving out of here without a map and a general sense of where I'm headed. But I'm leaning on that phrase that Peterson used... "Listen to GOD's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; God is the only one who will keep you on track. Don't assume that you know it all." 

So, appreciate your GPS, maps, compasses... But trust in God to get a bearing on your life and keep it grounded! Think about God in the everyday stuff. I will be in Maine a couple of days and might do some day trips Sat and Sunday (weather permitting). I might stay in tomorrow morning (calling for rain) and work on my thesis. I plan to worship Sunday in a "different place." Maybe Episcopal, maybe not.

Be Blessed! Ken+

P.S. My Uncle Don called this evening. It looks like I'm headed toward Connecticut on Monday. ;) Love connecting with the family and friends (see my Visit to Edenton - so if you are in my path and would like a visit, send me a private message me on Facebook. Folks that don't have Facebook, but have my number can e-mail, text, or call (but I will not respond right away).

Challenge to Self: Continue to stay grounded and continue to look for God in the mundane. God is there!

Challenge to Trinity: Let God be our guide and compass. In all things, let the Holy Spirit guide us through discernment. If we feel we should do something to complete the mission that God has given us, don't let the perceived lack of funds or people keep us from doing it. God will make our paths straight!


This Week!

Monday with the Mohegans

Getting Ready for the AT

Amarillo by Morning 🎶

I am Getting the Hang of This...

California, Here I Come!

Missouri on Route 66

Getting Psyched! - Day 0