About Grounded Theology

I like to think theologically about things of this world to help build connections between things of God and everyday life. To me, God is relevant, alive, and at work in our lives. Apart from God, life is empty and dark. I could ramble on and give you a thousand reasons why I believe this, but I will leave it blank so that you can have a chance to fill in the blanks for yourself (come to your own belief). I promise this blog will never tell you how to think or what to believe. That’s not who I am or what I’m about. I always encourage folks to come to their own conclusions. It helps them build a foundation of faith for their own.

The idea behind the blog Grounded Theology is to keep it real and relevant (to keep it Grounded if you will). It is an attempt to struggle on paper (or on the computer/on the internet) in the midst of the world's chaos and offer some theological thinking and connection to the divine. These are not sermons, and it's not my intent to preach.

The blog's readers may or may not agree with the things that I post. That’s ok; I am not looking for affirmation to build a Pollyanna group of people. If my posts make you think, fine. If it makes you mad, I don’t intend to offend. If it helps you connect with God, all the better.

I hope you enjoy the blog!


This Week!

Monday with the Mohegans

Getting Ready for the AT

Amarillo by Morning 🎶

I am Getting the Hang of This...

California, Here I Come!

Missouri on Route 66

Getting Psyched! - Day 0